Meet Lowen


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Lowen was a Seattle Police Officer for thirteen years before leaving the department and becoming a business owner in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. His experiences on the police department and his on-going ties to the Ballard community are reflected in his first three novels. His fourth book, RIVER, was conceived in 2002 during a 1700-mile, 50-day kayak trip he made with his daughter, Sonya, which began on the Loup River in Nebraska and ended at the mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico. He wrote the opening and ending lines of the novel in a tent on the Missouri River. Sonya gave him the idea of a ghost somewhere south of Boonville but before they reached the Osage River. Often on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, they ramped their kayaks together for a spell and exchanged story ideas while they floated with the current. Lowen is a native son of St. Paul, Nebraska, where he still spends much of his time.


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